Non-Verbal Communication

Being the only white person on the 720 Express does not feel awkward or strange. In fact I feel uncomfortable when whitey's show up cause they look either mad (crazy and/or upset) or like a tourist. Being among minorities also lets helps me gain more attention from the lovely Latino, Asian and Negro ladies. No joke, there are some really gorgeous women who ride the bus. It's hard to believe, but the ratio is quite high; like 1 hottie for every 7 or 9 lumpies. All it takes is the bus to hit one bump and I can chivalrously reach out and steady the closest woman.

She turns and discovers a boyish white person with an abnormally good looks. The curves of his cycling helmet accentuate his bushy sideburns.

Anyways I did see something beautiful today on the bus. It did involve a pretty lady but that's besides the point. On the bus if an senior citizen gets on you give up your seat, its just common courtesy. Now sometimes because there are so many people on you can't see who is three feet away from you and the elderly have to stand. So I'm bobbing up and down keeping my balance listening to Electric Funeral by Black Sabbath and I notice a heart warming display of the human connection. A lady in her 30's is sitting peacefully and notices a woman in her mid 50's wearily holding on the the rail after a long days work. Not a word was spoken but the conversation went exactly like this...

Lady:Mam, here have my seat
Woman: No, no it's ok you sit you've had a long day
Lady: So have you sister, come and sit I'll be fine my stop is just in a little bit
Woman: Are you sure? I don't want to impose
Lady: Please I insist
Woman: Thank you dear

70-90% of what we say in communicated non-verbally. Seeing a symphony of eyebrows, cheeks, lips, eyes, forehead and hands gesturing and flowing was captivating.


Keeping that in mind as a writer you have to watch in your minds eye to see an actor play out the witty dialogue that your writing. If you don't you end up being heavy handed and including too many parentheticals that piss off directors and makes you look like you can't handle criticism. Playing the scene out in your head takes place a hundred times while your writing and can be overwhelming for most writers. Stopping is not an option cause if you stop then you may lose your train of thought. Losing your momentum is a scary proposition for any writer.


Music of the Day is Sigur Ros. Sigur Ros is a band best enjoyed with headphones after dinner. I love the song Glosoli if you can watch and listen to this without getting goosebumps you don't have any creativity. Show of the week is Mad Men on AMC. Check it.

I don't know about you but I'm voting for Paris Hilton '08