Zen in the art of Tea Making

There is a difference between tea and sweet tea. Sweet tea is seen on ancient native American writings as an elixir of knowledge and healing. Where as limp-wristed "unsweet tea" or "warm tea in a tea cup" is something that is gathered from the bottom of garbage bins behind a Chinese restaurants, otherwise known as "trash juice".

In my never ending attempt to bring some culture to this land I've been adamant about my tea making. The recipe is pretty simple: water, tea in bag form and enough sugar to kill a horse. Boil and mix. Don't let the tea steep for very long if at all. Serve to your diabetic enemies.


So there was this one time my brother and I were fighting in the house. You know, a regular fight between to boys, fists wrestling and everything. We were both pre-teens I think. It was the rule that there was to be no violence in the house. So my dad kicked both of us out of the house and only by my mom's pleading did he toss us the key to the family suburban (just the door key, not the ignition key) so we could sleep in it.

I share this heart-warming story to illustrate a point. The point is I work with kids at the moment. Not just any kids but kids in Santa Monica, the cesspool of progressive....everything. These kids have never been backhanded or belted ever. Given free reign to explore a truncated and hyphenated adult world at the ripe age of 10 has armed each child with a keen sense of whats right for themselves. I have a group of 5 year olds' under my care so the damage is not too extreme, nothing some stern talking and a prolonged timeout/public humiliation cannot fix. Example:

Me (talking to another counselor):....yeah and I need to get a head count, where is lun...
Child: Webster? (that's my alias, since I don't want to hear my name 50,000 times a day) I have something to tell you. Morgan just hit me in the stomach and I think I'm going to have intestine problems because...

I pay the child no mind but put my free hand in front of their face and continue talking to the counselor. Child persists. I turn and face the child, first demanding eye contact.

Me: Ok, see what I was doing? I was talking to someone else. You wait for me to finish unless it's an emergency. You are being rude and inconsiderate. Now apologize to me and Rachel right now.

Sheepish apology ensues
. I continue my conversation with the other counselor. Conversation over, talk to child.

Me: Alright so whats the problem.

Child: (as if announcing to the whole world) Well Morgan hit me with a LEGO block and he meant to and i want you to punish him you have to call my parents so they can come to take me home cause I think my stomach is paralyzed now and I'm going to poop blood.

End Scene