Band-Aids are Racist

Have you ever noticed that they don't make Band-Aids for black people? This is a serious lapse in judgement on behalf of Johnson and Johnson. Sure they make clear bands aids but being clear is worse than being white. Newt Gingrich is white, but Bill Gates is clear. George Carlin is white, but Screech is clear. Bryant Gumbel is white, but Boomer Esiason is a very clear man.

This kid today had a band-aid on his head. It was this oblong patch of pink. It looked VERY awkward, Like he was burned or something. I felt bad for him, although he was 6 and didn't care. But really, what is an American negro supposed to do? The clear band-aids appear as a shiny oblong spot on your body, which draws just as much attention to your wound. A look on Band-Aid's website shows they have no brown bandages. Where is the outcry? This plight on American health-care is overlooked and probably another way for the system to slight a minority. I think I'm going to email Band-Aid and find out why.

I want to point out that I refrain from using the term "African American" because I've offended more black people by calling them an African American. Negro seems to be acceptable(United Negro College Fund, Negro League), Colored is sketchy(National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), and Black is ok I think. I don't understand African American, can I call myself a European American? Your either African or American, not both. If you have hertiage thats awesome and you should embrace that like the Italians, Irish, Polish, Russians, Germans, French, Dutch et al. did when they came over to America.

And this brings me to something even more out of place. Genetically speaking there is only one race of humans; Homosapien. It ruins me to think about the qualms we as humans have put in eachother through just to make us feel like our group of homos are better than another group of homos. Just a bunch of intellectual circluar logic that really says nothing. I'm a dualist when it comes to people. Where you come from sets the stage of your first act, but you must write your second and third acts.