I saw a movie with Victoria Beckham

I saw Dark Knight this evening. I'm not going to review the movie cause that's for someone else to do. The interesting part is that Victoria Beckham saw it with me. Now I had seen her earlier in the day at the Century City mall with her small entourage.

I was walking past this Cuban BBQ place and noticed a woman with a very un-original haircut for a woman. For some reason though it looked right on her. It curved around her huge pink sunglasses perfectly and I thought to myself "wait a minute, only one woman call pull off the Victoria and not look like a poser." It was Victoria Beckham and she was mildly attractive in person. Like a good Los Angelino I admired from afar and did not accost the fair limey.

I think it's obvious what happened though. She saw my taught bicycle toned buttocks through my $25 dollar Levi's, rolled up right pant-leg (so my jeans don't get dirty from the bike chain) and knew she was in the presence of a real man. So in a pitiful attempt to get my attention she followed me to Borders as I bought a book by Edward Gorey. Then in a juvenile effort she shadowed me in the theater and came out at the same time I did so that I would bump into her.


What is celebrity anyways? From what I've seen and experienced it really sucks. It's like being in a popularity contest in high school, but instead of a herd of adolescents your fighting against the whole world. I for one am the most uncool person in the world and have messed up teeth, and I like it that way. It'll keep me out of the fame loop for sure. I hope I never get braces. My poor complexion gives me credibility.

After my meeting with a big network:
This guy must be the next big thing. He's not in it for the fame, have you seen his teeth? Or his dry wiry hair for that matter? There is no way he'll turn on us like Zach Braff did.

That being said everyone assumes I moved to LA to be an actor. I don't like acting. Acting to me is like getting stuck on the toilet without toilet paper. You have to do this awkward dance and jig to reach the pack of Charmin under the sink. It's unnatural and embarrassing but when you have to do, you HAVE to.

Music of the day is Guster. Movie of the week should be obvious.