Ped Xing

So I'm not sure which is worse. Walking somewhere or walking somewhere because you have to.

As I'm sure you've assumed by now I'm having to walk and use public transportation at the moment. I don't have any sort of wheels. With each step I think back to North Carolina and my wonderful beautiful Trooper. How I long for it; it's giant frame, mediocre gas mileage and gutsy inline 4 cylinder.

On my walk to and from where I need to go I notice a homeless man on the corner begging for money. I've passed by him twice now and I notice he has a golden apple. He has a bicycle, and a really nice one to. I can't believe it. I covet a bicycle. A bike would make my life 100% better. So now that begs the other question.

I walk past homeless guys all the time nowadays. What has put them in this situation? What makes me different from them. Most of them have a friggin bicycle! I notice most of them are crazy, they have a mental illness. I notice some substance abuse as well. But is that all?

It's kinda scary. Really it is. Cause I am literally a breath away from where they are. At least it seems that way to me.

Ok I'm done for the time being.
