I don't have to live like a refugee

I figured out what that one thing is. The one thing you can't prepare yourself for when you move across country. Going a long period of time without seeing anyone you really know. Sure you see people become familiar over time, but not really knowing anyone is the issue. Its a surreal feeling.

I'm also starting to show my true colors. Where in the south its revered to stand out for America with the "hell yeah I own a gun" and "Capital punishment is awesome" and "I think the constitution is cool" kind of statements being apart of every southern man, woman and child's daily vocabulary. In LA it's a little different. Case in point; there is a growing tide of publics bans on smoking. Now personally i just started smoking a pipe, but even before I did I thought that public smoking bans were and are stupid. It's just another way for the Feds to encroach on simple freedoms that snowball into greater loss of freedoms. If you own a restaurant and don't want people to smoke in it... fine. But for people to be banned from smoking outdoors is straight up Orwellian.

But thats not my point here. What I'm flabbergasted about is that people I hear talk about these things just seem to let it slide with a shrug of the shoulders. Keep in mind the people I'm hanging out with these days like to smoke many things. So you would think they'd kinda get riled up about this. You would be wrong my friend, very wrong. So wrong you might be dead. And when your dead you can't be right about anything.

To end on a happy note. One of my roommates goes to school with James Franco. If you don't know who James Franco is go to www.funnyordie.com and search for him there.

That is all.

Yesterdays music of the day was hands down Cannibal Ox.