I gotta be good. I gotta be good.

I'll be leaving shortly. Many thanks to all my friends and such that I've been able to hang out with. I also want to thank all the little people I stepped on to get here.

My flight leaves in about an hour and a half. I'm sitting here scratching Ace (the family chihuahua) behind his neck and listening to the Tribe album my little brother Daniel got me for my birthday.
It's awesome you should buy their album. Think of The Cranberries meets SoundGarden.....yeah its that good.

My dad told a story at breakfast about how much traveling sucks these days and how its important to keep your cool and rely on God. To be honest I struggle with thinking God has it out for me, so when my Dad was quoting scripture about how "God is for us, not against us" it was something i really needed to hear.

Now is not the time i need to be doubting the one constant in my life.

As far as this blog goes. I don't know how long it will last. I may stop in a week or so once I get settled in, or I may not. If anyone actually reads this thing I guess it would be prudent to set up some ground rules.

1. I'll try my best to keep political rhetoric or discussion to a minimum. Anything political takes too long to really hash out appropriately.
2. I'll try to keep profanity and crude language to a minimum since some of the kiddies may end up reading this blog.
3. If I reference something or make a quote that you don't understand don't email me asking what it is. Just google it noob.
4. I'll think up some other rules.
5. You the reader should leave a comment and suggest some rules.

As a side note you may have read something about SAG going on strike. Well they probably won't. And if they do it would be very rude to me and I would not appreciate it.