Red Rover, Red Rover send.....

I had the privilege to share in a Jewish ceremony this past Friday. It's called Shabbat (sic) and it closes the Jewish week and starts the holiness for the new week. It's a fairly simple ritual that took no more than 2 minutes but I was still honored to be apart of it.

And today I had the opportunity to desecrate my roommates Kosher dishes. Which I did by putting them in the dishwasher. I felt really bad about it, and he was pretty upset. But all is resolved now.

That being said I've passed the one week mark in LA now. I made it one week and I don't think there was a day that went by that I didn't want to come home. I'm in that sucky part that I was told was going to happen, if I can get through the initial suck then apparently it'll be looking up from then on.

I tried watching an obscure Johnny Depp movie called Dead Man; try being the operative word. It was pretty abysmal and I only got about 30 minutes through. Johnny and the cast were fine, but the direction was awful and the script was worse. It only goes to show that the cast is only as good as it's director. I also learned that Beverly Hills Cop 4 has been greenlit, which makes me getting into Hollywood only a matter of time now if they'll thumbs up another Eddie Murphy bomb.

I've found it interesting to notice human interactions here in LA. besides the stupid fashion styles (which I'll comment on later) people on the bus are all to easy to eavesdrop on. The 720 bus that takes me 2/3 of the way home each night from work has two recurring cast members. The driver whom we'll call Benny, cause he looks like a Benny, and the cook at a restaurant thats frequented by pill poppers and popped collars whom we'll call Tommy. Tommy is probably the same age as Benny, mid 30's, is dressed in all black and wears an O.C. Choppers hat like a second skin. Tommy stands in front of the yellow line which your supposed to be behind and talks to Benny about his day and how his brother has kicked him out of his apartment and how $%#ed up that is. Tommy like the Lakers A LOT and has a thing or two to say about women. A sign clearly marked "Unnecessary conversation with driver is prohibited by law" tries in vain to stop this breach of protocol. I think Benny likes to talk to Tommy, even though Tommy does most of the talking, Benny seems to be listening and interjects when given a chance.

I enjoy hearing the snippets of conversation, it inspires me on a deeper level about human interaction and the power of an open ear. As a writer and film maker I notice and do my best to absorb these instances and digest them. My mind starts to take off and think about how these guys which are so fun to watch would translate on-screen. More on Benny and Tommy later.

The music for this weekend was a tie between Sigur Ros and The Cinematic Orchestra
Visit for a good bit of lol, link courtesy of Lee. (SFW, most of the time)