Hunt for Red October

You've heard me gush about Mad Men because its slick and sexy and all around excellent. There are two things I'd like to say after just watching two episodes. Two things that kinda tweak me.

Food. There is so much good food in Mad Men it's despicable. And the kicker is that most of it is either prepared in awesome restaurants or waiting in the steamer prepared by a gorgeous housewife. As a young bachelor the thought of having a home cooked meal ready to eat, expertly crafted by my loving wife, with my choice of dessert is simply divine. These thoughts catch my troubled head with each twist of the can opener.

Smoking. Everyone smokes in Mad Men, the men and the women. Smoking is portrayed in such a positive light I'm shocked that some loonies haven't protested the show. The smoking defines the sexes to. The men smoke with masculine gestures and facial expressions. The women smoke with sensual authority; feline vapor punctuating their eyes and fingertips. I for one am not attracted to women that smoke, it's not my thing. But I will make an exception for the exceptional January Jones who plays Betty Draper. She can cook me a roast any day.


I ran the maths last night and got a final figure for when my money will run out all things being equal. I have a little over 1 month to lock something up or I'll have to retreat to NC for winter. I did make a lot of calls and faxes today. I even called the production office for the American version of Top Gear. Please God let me get a job on Top Gear.

Music of the week is The Band. Show of the week is Mad Men. Woman of the week is Juno Palin. I can't imagine the charlie brown Young Father dropped in his pants when his knocked up GFs mom got picked for VP. I saw a pic of him meeting John McCain and it looked like all of the blood in his body was in his feet. What a sap.