Ice Cream

Yesterday was my last day at my YMCA job in Santa Monica. Normally on Friday's we take about 30 kids to a park about 4 blocks away. Every once in a while a ice cream truck will make a pass and by now the kids know that they are not allowed to go get ice cream so all is well.


On this particular day the lead counselor decided that it was okay for the staff and volunteers to go get ice cream. So a mad rush ensued as I stood watch. After the staff came back some of the kids were asking about ice cream, save one in particular. Vincent is a squirrely little 5 year old with moderate autism. As soon as he sees his counselor with a Popsicle he throws his head back and wails about wanting ice cream. This is normal for Vincent (who will cry for ice cream even when none is present) but apparently shocks one of the other parents whose non-YMCA child is playing at the playground. She approaches me as I'm standing watch.

Yuppie: Excuse me but this is not fair.
Me: Whats not fair?
Yuppie: The counselors have I cream and this kids do not. It's not fair, you should buy them all ice cream.
Me: Well I don't have 50 bucks to buy them all ice cream. If you have the money you're more than welcome to buy them ice cream.
Yuppie: Well thats not the point, I don't think you should have gotten any in the first place
Me: Mam, do you see any ice cream in my hands? I didn't get any. The other counselors made that decision so they have to deal with their kids. Besides half of these kids are on no-sugar diets and I don't feel have having to deal with pissed off parents. And there snack time is in 30 minutes so you really think I want to have 30 kids amped up on sugar when they are supposed to be chilling out?
Yuppie: This isn't fair to the kids. They should get ice cream
Me: Well life isn't fair. Feel free to express your concerns to the other counselors.

It could be construed from this conversation that i was kind of.... harsh. Seriously though I didn't care. It was my last day and it was stressful and the last thing I needed was some peacenik yuppie parent to sound off in front of an audience. Yuppie mom was so distressed by our conversation she threatened that she would call my boss and complain. I in turn told her my full name, my work phone number, both of my bosses names and how to reach them. I really was itching for a fight. My abrasive Italian side was bubbling to the surface.

Lets talk for a minute about how this park is literally covered with homeless people. Santa Monica has very lenient transient laws which allow homeless from as far away as Arizona and Montana to be put on a bus by the local governments and sent to Santa Monica. So as I ferry kids in and around the park we constantly have to dodge shaking, hallucinating, preaching, gyrating and sometimes masturbating hobos. If this sounds awful; trust me it is. I think yuppie mom should discuss fairness with these folks before accosting me at work.


Music of the week is Skalpel. Show of the week is still Entourage. Highlight of the week was seeing Stuart Scott in Santa Monica. Downside of the week was seeing him in tights and holding a rolled up purple mat on his way to Yoga. Don't get me wrong, Stuart Scott is macho. Almost macho enough to make Yoga macho......almost.