Social Cycle Theory and Water Bottles

The evidence of Social Cycle Theory is evident in many ways; the current election, the global warming insanity, fashion, religion and health food for starters. To illustrate how things come full circle we shall consider the lowly water bottle.

In ancient times if people wanted to carry water with them they had a few limited options: clay pots or skins. Skins and clay were a mainstay for most of human existence until the advent of workable metals.*

Metals were pretty cool and all until the got really hot or really cold. Then your beverage got all mettallicky. There was also the obvious problem of rust. But that was solved with stainless steel.

Fast forward to the 1970's when "we're breathing the last of the oxygen" environmentalists started to drink from cloudy plastic laboratory bottles made by Thermo Fisher Scientific, better known as Nalgene. Nalgene bottles evolved into the outdoorsmans canteen of choice by the 90's.

In the early 2000's college kids were purchasing Nalgene bottles in their favorite color. Some of these college kids even used their Nalgene bottles to smuggle milk out of the dining common at school by tucking it into their jacket and using his other roommates as cover while filling it up. Maybe these milk smuggling college students really needed the milk and the money they saved by stealing helped them have extra money to do laundry...


College kids started microwaving ramen noodles and macaroni in their hearty Nalgene bottles. Scientists started to test the bottles and lo and behold there is some magical chemical in the plastic that is released while cooking or exposure to heat and causes cancer in some lab rats.

Now the in thing is to buy a $35 Sigg metal drinking bottle. I'm making a prophecy:
In the year 2010 drinking from animal skins of some sort of hybrid ceramic material will be the new water bottle fad.


The hierarchy in Hollywood is becoming more and more evident. From a corner of the world that touts the virtues of equal treatment and individuality there is an awful lot of....feudalism. Hollywood loves its caste system. Coming from a very community oriented upbringing I don't have much problem going and getting someone a meal while they are busy. But when someone asks for a little less creamer in their coffee next time I must fight the urge to help them wear some steamy french roast.

My favorite line is "well, you gotta pay your dues". Not only does this make little sense in the fact that I'm getting paid to do these aforementioned 'dues'. Sounds like a zero sum game, how about I skip it all together? The only reason I see value in the concept of the due paying system is that it's engineering to weed out the pre-Madonnas and wankers. So if your not a wanker then you'll pay your dues quite quickly. Although if your a persistent wanker you'll eventually pay them and have the unique opportunity to fail upwards.

Music of the week is Float On by Modest Mouse. I played it Rock Band 2 and it's off the chain catchy. I finally finished Mad Men, and it was awesome as expected. Starting up the third season of Dexter.