Fashion Out Of Neccesity

Festering in the cultural cesspools of NYC and LA come forth a breed of young adult that should make any forward thinking individual cringe with disappointment and embarrassment.

Enter the "Hipster". 1 part Hippie, 2 parts Emo and a dash of Artsy are the necessary ingredients. Let the culture sit on a slimy bathroom floor or behind your trashcan for a few weeks and soon a Hipster will spring out. Be warned, they will expect the world handed to them on a plate and will complain the entire time.

Your average Hipster is kind of like a bum, but instead of being homeless they will mooch off their yuppie parents and would rather watch Brian Regan clips on YouTube than a job. Tacitly addicted to uppers like Adderall is impetus for a Hipster to do any thing resembling work. Once they have ingested a pill they will furiously accomplish one task involving manual labor. Weather it be scrubbing a shower stall, doodling their entire body with runes, or doing your taxes, any amped up Hipster will accomplish one task excellently before coming down and then meshing back into an easy chair with a laptop burning a hole in there reproductive organs. Hipster relationships last anywhere from 48 hours to 48 weeks. Bi, Homo and Hetrosexual relationships may all be taking place at the same time and are neither related nor considered relevant to other romantic relationships. Fidelity is revered by both sexes but is generally tossed to the side if the right combination of Natural Ice, Riddalin and Dimitri Martin is achieved. Alcohol is always preceded and followed by prescription drug use.

Hipsters grew out of the post grunge, liberal-spoon fed resurgence in urban America. Much like Hippies; Hipsters were usually poor by choice and smoked too much pot/peyote to be lucid enough for a job interview. They had to purchase their clothes via thrift stores which were often ill fitting and grievously out of style. Hygiene is a laughable option for most hipsters, opting for a woolen knit cap to cover their greasy hair instead. Listerine strips and and an extra shirt are all thats needed for a Hipster to start their evening. (Day starts at 1pm.)

2008 has come and is going to pass from the colon of time soon and we will enter another chapter of Hipster culture in 2009. Hipster culture will be fully mainstream in 2009. Designer jean companies are already producing torn up, greasy Hipster replica jeans for hundreds of dollars. Macy's, JC Penny, Sears and Belk resemble a ransacked TJ Max circa 1994.

Avoid a Hipster if you can. Hipsters are docile and will not attack. Given the chance, Hipsters will form a parasitic relationship and suck any and all life giving ambitions and goals from your existence. Don't give a Hipster money. Don't give a Hipster a dirty look, as thats seen as an invitation for room and board.The only way to repel a hipster is to play classical chamber music or start reading to the nearest child.